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Ejection Seat Limit

Plugin name: local_ejectionseat_limit

Latest version 4.1.0

Supports: Moodle Workplace 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

Demo Video


This plugin implements a limit on the number of concurrent users in a given cohort/course combination. Admins set up limits in the plugin configuration page and users who attempt to login to a course that is currently full are redirected to an error page.


Checking the “unlimited access” option will allow users into any course that does not have restrictions set up. Leaving the box unchecked (default option) will prevent any users other than admins and teachers from accessing the course.

Limits per page defines the number of limits shown per page in the “manage restrictions” page.


Navigate to the admin settings page and then to the plugins section. Under “local plugins”, there will be two sub pages; “Manage ejectionseat restrictions” and “concurrent users report”. There is also a standard settings page that will allow you to change the options set at install.

To set up a new restriction or edit an existing restriction, navigate to the “manage ejectionseat restrictions” page.

To add a new restriction, click on the blue “add” button in the top left. A modal window will appear and the restriction options can be set here. 

Select the appropriate cohort and course. In the “maximum duration” field, enter the number of seconds a session should remain active once a user interacts with a page. Configure the maximum number of allowed users (number of “seats”) in the “user limit” field. If a custom redirect message should be shown for this course/cohort combo, enter that message in the “custom message” field. Save changes and see the table updated to reflect the new restriction.

If a user attempts to access a course that is full, they will be redirected to an “access restricted” page. The user can try again to access the course at any time. Once another session has expired, the new user will be able to log in to the course as normal. 

The “concurrent users report” page will allow admins to see a summary of each cohort/course combo and the current number of active sessions as well as the maximum duration and limit. A status field is also present to display whether a course is available or full. 

Each cohort/course combination is a link and if clicked it will display a new table with details about each session active in that course. This report is automatically updated every 30 seconds but can be manually refreshed by clicking the blue “refresh” button. Users in this course can be manually ejected by clicking on the red “eject” button on their table entry. 

Key concepts

Maximum duration

This is the number of seconds a session should remain active for a user. Sessions are created when a user first enters a course. Every time a user interacts with the page while in the course, the session is renewed. This does not affect the user’s maximum allowed time in the course, it only dictates how long a user can sit idle on a page in the course.


This plugin has no non-core dependencies.

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