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Plugin name: local_bouncer

Latest version 4.1.0

Supports: Moodle Workplace 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

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local_bouncer is a custom local plugin that whitelists IP addresses based off tenants. The plugin allows you to upload IP addresses and tenants manually or via a .csv file. 

Under Site Admin -> Plugins -> Local -> Bouncer whitelist report
Manually add using a pop-up form.

Under Site Admin -> Plugins -> Local -> Bouncer whitelist settings
Bulk add using a .csv file upload.

Expected format for .csv upload:
See table and/or sample file.

tenant site short name

ip address



Under Site Admin -> Plugins -> Local -> Bouncer whitelist report
Once added, it will display in the table below.

Once it is in the table above, any user in that tenant will only have access if accessing from one of the IPs listed. If the user tries to access the site from an IP not specified, they will not gain access.

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